
Fallschirmjägers vs russians

Last sunday I met my friend Andreas in a real tough match
of SoTR. We agreed on 60p each and I played the russians
and Andreas the germans. I chose my regular force with a
nice mixture of mortar, troops and tanks. This time I also
chose a flamer-guy that did a lot of damage during the
match. Andreas chose a force of german fallschirmjägers
and also a Königstiger (heavy King-tiger tank) for support.
This tank costed 30 points and it is virtually impossible to
knock out with my choice of troops eventhough I had 
rocketlauncher and anti-tank rifles...
The objective was to take the bridge and if at least one
troop could hold it for one round it was victory.
The first round was kind of slow but after that it took
off with a lot of action. The germans blew one of my
shelters to pieces and viped out a entire squad.
My flamer kicked off with setting a small forrest in flames
and killing and wounding several "jerrys".
Andreas bought a recon-vehicle(schwimmwagen) to direct
indirect fire using the Königstiger.I managed to knock out
this vehicle and after that I put it on fire with my flamer.
A desperate attempt to halt the german tank was to
ram it with my medium tank but it did little damage
and my own tank was not able to move after this round.
On round 5 (of 6) I stormed against the objective and at 
this point only the Königstiger and two german troops were 
left standing.I managed to shoot down the german footsoldiers
but after that I failed to shoot a rocket in the rear of the
german tank and it stopped my last chance for a victory
and blew up my heavy MG-team that reached the bridge...
The match was a even one and no victor was nominated.
The lesson in this match was to act more aggressive and
starting to move towards the objectives earlier.
Fun game and a lot of action but next time I will buy more
engineers to give my troops more chances to knock out
heavy tanks. 

The russian HQ

Russian T34/76 and troops

German positions

Russian flamer is doing his job

Russians ram the Königstiger...

The germans blow up a ruin...

The russian HQ is wiped out

The schwimmwagen is burned in flames

Russians storm the bridge

A german soldier is toast

The russian MG-team is halted with a grenade


Happy and unhappy pirates

To add more scenery and atmospehre to my Pirate-project I
have now converted some more pirates and also some
I used some old GW-figures and added some more details.
The figures are WHFB: The Empire, Flagellant warband-bits
and also some tinfigures from Gothic horror(witch hunters).

I will in the future build a prison to my pirate-cove and also 
to the civilian harbour. 
I have based these with sand and with some paint I think
these figures will look real good on the gaming table. :)

För att skapa lite mer känsla och scenografi till mitt
piratprojekt har jag nu konverterat lite fler pirater och även
några pirat-fångar.
Jag har använt bits från gamla GW-figurer dvs:
The Empire, Flagellant warband-bits och några tenn-
figurer från Gothic horror(witch hunters).
Jag kommer även att framöver att bygga fängelsehålor till
både mitt Piratnäste och min civila hamn.
Har valt att basa dessa figurer med lite sand och med lite
färg på dessa figurer kommer de att bli helt o.k på
spelbordet. :)