
Factory WIP and a new car

Now I am starting my work on the third brick-building
and as you can see I have made the bricks on two out
of three walls. The parts are coming nicely together
but there is still a lot to do with the roofing and the
interior. I am planning to make some kind of machine
and the picture is only showing a test-build and is
not finished. I am also planning to make electrical
cords that will hang on the walls and switches and
finally doors.
The roof will be corrugated steelplate and I have not
decided if it will be flat or in angle or maybe in
a retro-style with roof-windows that were common
in the 1940-ies (triangular shape with glass on one side).
I will also put in some columns and horizontal-
roofsupport to get a more industrial and heavy look.
The pictures at the end of this report is showing my
latest find in cars. I bought real cheap at a local 
fleemarket and the 1950-ies look is great for the

10 kommentarer:

  1. Svar
    1. Thankyou very much Michael.My brickbuildings are inspired a little bit from the english architecture and I love the colours especially when placing in group.

  2. Svar
    1. Dziękuję bardzo Michael!I can promise you that there will be an updated report. :)

  3. Svar
    1. Merci beaucoup mon ami!The creative part of the project is the most fun.

  4. Loooking forward to seeing this new build cometo fruition, but why not a whole factory ?
    Loving the 1950'scar too btw, as you say idealfor a Fallout type game!

    1. It will look like a whole facory but with half of the building in ruin.The roof will look like this: http://coastdaylight.com/ljames1/corona_lemon2.jpg
      Thankyou very much Joe.

  5. Ah...another interesting build. Looks good already.

    1. Thankyou very much Jay. I am getting a little bit hooked on the brick-look. :)
