
New houses to my 15mm figures

During my Christmasholiday I visited a local flee-market
and found 3 houses that roughly can fit in under 15mm-
scale. They look nice and I only paid 11 Euro all together.
I already have 3 houses and these new ones will fit in
perfectly (also read my Houses and palmtress 2013-11-25
under the category scenery).

Under min Julledighet besökte jag en loppmarknad på
orten och hittade 3 byggnader som grovt kommer att
stämma överens med 15mm-skalan.
De ser fina ut och jag betalade bara 100 kr för allihop.
Jag har redan köpt 3 hus tidigare och dessa i kombination
med de nya blir en fin samling (läs mitt tidigare inlägg
Houses and palmtrees 2013-11-25 under scenery).

3 kommentarer:

  1. Excellent find, they will look great based and perhaps re-painted?

  2. Yes they will. :) I will start working with these after moving to my new apartment.
