
Canadians versus germans

Last sunday I met my friends Micke and Peter on the
gaming table for a nice game of FoW.
Micke had prepared everything including scenery, painted
vehicles and figures and of course snacks. :)
Me and Peter were chosen to play the Candians and Micke
played the germans.
We both played fearless veterans and had between 1700 to
2000 points each. I was a bit rusty with the FoW-rules but
we played for fun and the others helped me out.
Me and Peter were both amphibious and the germans played
the defender. The setting was in Holland late of the war in
the area of Arnhem. The game was very intense but also
fun and a lot of surprises evolved.
Micke won because we halted the game but if we played one
or two more rounds the canadians had pushed the germans
back to retreat because they had no reserves or tanks left.
Very nice game and thankyou Micke for the hospitality and 
the danish salty sticks. :)

Förra söndagen träffade jag mina vänner Micke och Peter för
att spela lite FoW. Micke hade förberett med scenografi, målade
figurer och fordon samt tilltugg. :)
Jag och Peter fick spela kanadensarna och Micke de tyska försvararna.
Vi fick 1700-2000 poäng och båda var veterans och målet med spelet
var att spela för att ha trevligt. Jag var lite rostig när det gällde reglerna
men de andra hjälpte mig. Både jag och Peter var båda amfibie-burna
och det var roligt att testa detta. Spelet var stundtals intensivt och erbjöd
många överraskningar. Platsen var i närheten av Arnhem i Holland.
Micke vann spelet eftersom vi avbröt men då var hans reserver och
tanks uttömda och om vi fått en eller två rundor till så hade det slutat
med en total kanadensisk seger.
Stort tack Micke för gästfriheten och för de delikata salta pinnarna.
The scenery

The canadian objectives
The battle report

Achtung Panzer!

Churchill-tank using flamers against
small armoured cars...

The german defence break down

Peter assault the island and clear
it from german forces

Almost canadian victory! :)

8 kommentarer:

  1. Looks like an impressive game.

    1. It was Jonas. You should have been flanking my position. :)
      The game was great fun and very similar to our big battles in the "woods".

  2. Wow, what a cracking looking game!

    1. Thankyou Michael. The game was great fun to play!!!

  3. urgh... did he paint the snacks?
    Good looking game

    1. I don´t know about the host painting the snacks but the lightning was not so bright in the gaming-room. :)
      Tack för din kommentar Joakim.

  4. Great looking terrain, love the flooded areas I assume they're flooded)

    1. You guessed right. It was flooded. The "Jerrys" had made this disaster together with allied bombing raids that went wrong.
      Thankyou for your comment. :)
