
Upgraded IG encounters SW

Last saturday I met my friend Olle in his renovated
garage for a gaming-session. The garage was now ugraded
to a very nice and cool Mancave with pool-table, gaming-table,
leather sofas, workshop and a rectangular pit if you feel
to do some underground mechanics on you motor. :)
We agreed on 2000 points each and a friendly match.
Olle played the Space wolves and I piled up my reinforced IG 2.0.
I was very curious how my force of miniatures would act 
on the gaming board with more fire-power than ever before.
I tested my heavy artillery and also my Heavy weapons team and
together with the support of all my armour I feel now some
wind under my wings. This is not a real battle-report because
we only played two rounds before I was forced to rise the white
flag and head back home. An emergency occured and I hurried 
to buy baby-food for my newborn son. Little play but so much fun
and I am itching for a re-match to be able to test all my forces
100% to see how they will combine on the battle-field. 

2 kommentarer:

  1. It looks like it was a veryhectic battle.
    I do think though that it willtake you some time to work out the strengths of your new forces.
    it's alwasy good to get a game too, no matter how brief!

    1. It was and but also fun.My friend shot down all my Melta-gun-shooters in the first round but I delivered several punches against his leading APC.I think I will spread out my Meltaguns more wisely next time.Thankyou very much Joe.
