
Preparations for Flames of war-convent

 For at least 3 years I have been a inactive player but

for two weeks ago I was invited to a Flames of war -

convent in Halmstad by Flames of war-Sweden.

I couldn´t resist and my first task was to make a force

to play with. I have been collecting for years but because

of work, family and new house etc I have not played more

than a handful of games.

I like the late war setup more than the early WW2 most

because of the creative ways of making new models and


I choose to play the germans this time (I have germans,

soviets, japanese and finns in my collection).

The points were set to 100 and at home I gathered only

75 ppoints because I was a newbie to play the Fow-game

version 4.

At location on the Fow-convent a friendly gamer made my

force complete and lending a battery of 10,5cm artillery

and a platoon of recons (Panzerkampfwagen 2). 

My infantry was pazergrenadiers with on MG42 and one 

panzerfaust in each squad and also mounted in tracked

APC´s (3: Sdkfz 251 with (MG) each and 1: Sdkfz 251

with a 2cm automatic-cannon).

A very good force indeed. In the next two reports I will 

write about the convent itself and my games.

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