
Hugg och slag: 50 Followers!!!

This is kind of old news but anyway I want to celebrate
that this blog: Hugg och slag now has 50 followers!
The last guest/person that "got" the
number 50th follower is Mini-Mike from the blog of:

On the first of september this occasion occured.
Thankyou all and especially to those that write
and comment my projects. You are very inspirational
and it gives me a lot of joy!

Detta är en nygammal nyhet men jag vill ändå
passa på att fira att denna blogg: Huggoch slag
nu har 50 följare. Den sista gästen som "blev"
den 50 följaren är Mini-Mike från bloggen:
Den första september inträffade denna trevliga
händelse. Stort tack alla ni som skriver och
kommenterar mina projekt. Ni ger mig mycket
inspiration och glädje.

11 kommentarer:

  1. Congratulations! Keep the posts coming.
    By the way, will you be going to Copenhagen for the DffCon convention in October? We're a group of Danes and Swedes playing the battle of Lund 1676 on table 6.

  2. Thankyou very much for this comment and also for the invitation.This would be a very nice event.I have never been to this convention.I live nearby Lund and have read some books about this battle.Very interessting.I also have bought a lot of figures to start playing games in this period of history both in scale of 1:72 and 1:48. Would be nice to exchange some thoughts about this. Please send me an e-mail and we can start correspond both about historical games and how to meet in Copenhagen in october.My e-mail is huggochslag at gmail dot com.Cheers! :)

  3. Thankyou very much for this comment Jay! Have a nice weekend my friend!!!

  4. Svar
    1. Tack Jonas! It was you that inspired me to start this blog.Without your tips and guidelines this would never had happened.

  5. Congratulations, nice milestone to reach

  6. Good job, and well deserved. Grattis!

    1. Tack så mycket Joakim för denna kommentar. :) Thankyou for this comment.

  7. Congrats, keep posting and that number will soon increase.


  8. Thankyou for this comment Matt.I will follow your advice.:)
