
Corner-ruin painted!

Finally I am now finished with painting my housemodel
named corner-ruin. The result is quite o.k and I also
tested making some homemade plants.
The plants are made of thin metalwire and soft foam that
are glued together and then painted.I will publish some
more pictures of this technique later on.
I also made some more details on the fire-stairs.
To add some more home-feeling to the rooms I put up
some old stamps and painted the edges to make the 
look like wooden-frames.
This will be a nice addition when playing skirmish in a
urban environment in a near future or in SoTR.

Nu är jag äntligen klar med målningen av min husmodell
som jag valt att döpa till hörn-ruin. Resultatet är helt o.k
och jag har även testat att tillverka egna växter.
Plantorna består av tunn ståltråd och skumgummi som
limmats ihop och slutligen målats. Jag kommer inom
kort att publicera en liten manual om hur jag tillverkat
dessa plantor. Jag har även arbetat med detaljerna till
brandtrapporna. För att skapa mer hemma-känsla i rummen
så har jag limmat upp gamla frimärken och målat kanterna
för att de ska se ut som träramar.
Detta kommer att bli ett trevligt tillskott när jag ska spela
strid i bebyggelse i en nära framtid eller i SoTR.

18 kommentarer:

  1. Very nice! I am assuming corrugated paper (wellpapp) for the balcony railings? One suggestion:give the beams in the attic a good inkwash, they look too clean to be part of a ruined building.
    And lovely idea using stamps, I shall be nicking that!

    1. Hej Thomas!:) Tackar och bugar för dessa vänliga ord! The corrugated paper is a model that has thinner stripes and the scale fits very well into 1:48. I got it from a giftshop that sell glasses and plates. The beams will get a wash of a darker tone.Thankyou for this tip.

    2. Ah, Panduro? That kind of shops (Panduro, Slöjddetaljer, Kreatima) are goldmines for the model builder and wargamer.

    3. Not Panduro. The korrugated wellpapp was taken from a big package of porcelain. The manufacture is Matteus from Portugal. I can send some sheets by snail-mail if you want. Send me a mail with an adress and I will send you a package. The adress is the same as the name of the blogg and at gmail.

  2. Svar
    1. Merci beaucup Phil. Thankyou for sending this comment.

  3. The finished model look very good and that's a great idea of using stamps as paintings !

    1. Thankyou Joe. Always nice to read lines from you. The stamps is from a old gift-collection that I got as a christmas present in 1980.

  4. That is quite beautiful, very nice work!

    1. Kind words from the master. Thankyou very much Francis. :)

  5. Nice ruin! I think some of the interior walls looks to clean considering they have been open to the elements, wind, rain and dust.

    1. Thankyou Christian! I will wash the walls in the weekend to get a more wore down feeling.New updated pictures will be published.

  6. Great build... like the Kennedy stamp on the wall :)

    1. Glad you like the model. Thankyou for this comment! :)

  7. Svar
    1. Thankyou very much Richard! :) Have a nice weekend.

  8. Looks great and love the use of colour, it looks ruined by still bright and playable, superb!
