I am planning to build a new set of figures to SoTR
and it will be the russians. I will need regular foot-
soldiers and I have built 16 so far(26 to go).
I also need some vehicles and some mechas.
One of my first project in this is scratch-build a
heavy machine-gun. I have choosen to use the
features of a regular Maxim and oversize it and also
add som bolts to make it look more brutal.
I made som bricks out of the rest from the blisters.
On the pictures all of the details are not glued but
it is a first glimse of what will be the finished result.
I will also put some paint on the machinegun and the
Jag planerar att bygga en ny uppsättning figurer till SoTR och valet har blivit ryssar. Jag kommer att behöva
soldater och har i skrivande stund byggt 16(26 återstår). Jag kommer
även att bygga fordon och mechas. Ett av mina första steg i detta
projekt är att bygga en egen tolkning av en Maxim kulspruta. Min version
bär de yttre detaljerna av originalet men är större och har även lagt
till kraftiga bultar på visirplåten för att få ett mer brutalt uttryck.
Alla delar är inte limmade på bilderna som visas men tanken är att ge
ett första smakprov innan modellen är helt färdigbyggd och målad.
a really imposing model!
SvaraRaderavery good idea: i'll wait to see more.
Grazie mille Luca! I will keep you updated.
RaderaWhat a great conversion, looking forward to seeing it painted.
SvaraRaderaThankyou for making this comment Michael. I am in the middle of putting some colours on the base right now. :)
RaderaPretty awesome scratch built. But you at least need a crew of 8 to handle that beast and it's ammunition ;-)
SvaraRaderaThankyou for making this comment. The siberian riflemen are very strong indeed. :) Two men from Siberia have the strength of 8...
RaderaGreat modeling job, Ptr!!
SvaraRaderaThankyou very much Jay. Always nice to read the lines from you. :)
RaderaWhat a beast!
SvaraRaderaMenacing looking gun, I like.
Tack så mycket Jonas. :) It will prove its weight on the gaming board when it will be used against the enemy...
RaderaThat is dead clever! I am very impressed by your scratchbuilding. Keep it coming,please.
SvaraRaderaTack så mycket för dessa ord Thomas. Not every day that I get the title of being dead clever. :) I will keep you updated.
RaderaNice job, creative and impressive!
SvaraRaderaMerci beaucoup mon ami . Appréciez vos commentaires .:) I will keep you updated.
RaderaThat looks a very brutal beast
SvaraRaderaGood for almost everything and maybe against zombies too. :)
RaderaThankyou for making this comment Joe.
That's a scary looking gun. Awesome construction work
SvaraRaderaThankyou very much Jodi. To build is almost as fun as to paint. :) I like the freedom in SoTR to build and to be able to use my own models on the gaming board.
RaderaThats a Big Maxim ;) looking good so far...
SvaraRaderaTack så mycket. Om det är någon som är duktig på att måla russkijs så är det du och det är inte var dag jag får en komplimang av mästaren själv! :) Thankyou for making this comment.
RaderaA nice piece of modelling, sir. It is indeed a terrifying looking weapon. It would be ideal for an Alternative History/Weird War 2 game. I could even imagine Space Orks using it!
SvaraRaderaWell done.
Thankyou very much for these words Michael! :)