
Visiting the local gaming-club

Last weekend I managed to get some free time for myself all by myself.
First I planned to go to Lund and visit a historical gaming-club in Lund that
play a lot of historical figure-games (pike and shot, Seven days to the Rhine etc)
but the preparations for a Thirty years war-scenario was not ready for play so
I went to the local gaming club in Helsingborg instead.
I visited the gaming-club in Helsingborg very shortly in 2018 but back then
my oldest daughter wanted to test the variety of buying an ice cream instead of
looking at the minis in vivid colours.
This saturday I could watch very nicely painted figures en masse and I
got a lot of inspiration doing so. I took some pictures for sharing.
My absolute favourite is the painter that made the rusty orcs and I simply
love his way of making these figures come alive.
On the last picture I have a new article that really looks good, tuft in 
various shapes and heights.Looks very good when mounted onto the base.

4 kommentarer:

  1. Those really are amazing Orks! Love the details on those buildings too!

    1. Me to! I love these figures with a shabby/worn down look.Thankyou very much Michael

  2. What a great day out, seeing another's ideas on orks etc.- they have a very unique (imo)look.
    I do like seeing buildings too, and these are excellent wargame -friendly.

    1. Indeed. :) The scenery are very nice and gave me the most of the inspiration that day.Thankyou very much Joe
