This will be my last report on this
blog for 2015. Later I will celebrate
New years Eve with my lovely wife
and daughter. I also want to wish you
all out there a Happy New Year 2016
and thankyou to all of you that made
2015 great following my blog-reports!
The tower is now finished except for
painting. I am not sure if I also will fit
the tower with a roof , what do you
think? Feel free to comment.
The tower is built of blue polystyrene
and the "woodwork" is made of
coffee-stirrers and match-sticks.
The base is made of three-layer cardboard.
WH40k - Chaos Cultists
Today I won betting on some figures on and I am really satisfied with
the buy.
They costed me 15 Euros and I will use
the figures in Post apocalyptic games.
The figures looks real nice except the
one with the sword and the shotgun.
I will swap his head for something that
looks more human and not so clown-like. and I am really satisfied with
the buy.
They costed me 15 Euros and I will use
the figures in Post apocalyptic games.
The figures looks real nice except the
one with the sword and the shotgun.
I will swap his head for something that
looks more human and not so clown-like.
![]() |
Mr Clown... |
New mobile storage
Today I made a nice find at the local Jula-store.
I bought a bag in aluminium with movable
compartments for storage.
This purchase will come handy when I will
play a Mega-battle in the game WH 40k on
the third of january.
The bag is also fitted with a shoulder-strap.
I can really recomend this bag and I will
also fit it with soft foam rubber to protect
the figures and models inside.
The price was 40 Euro and this was a really
nice price because I like this bag a lot. :)
The articlenumber is: 663016
The homepage is
I bought a bag in aluminium with movable
compartments for storage.
This purchase will come handy when I will
play a Mega-battle in the game WH 40k on
the third of january.
The bag is also fitted with a shoulder-strap.
I can really recomend this bag and I will
also fit it with soft foam rubber to protect
the figures and models inside.
The price was 40 Euro and this was a really
nice price because I like this bag a lot. :)
The articlenumber is: 663016
The homepage is
Stonetower in construction
Right now I am building a stone-tower for both
fantasy-skirmish but also to medieval- and pirate-
games. I am using blue polystyrene with high
density and it is a very good building-material.
I am using a sharp knife, cardboard and pva-glue
and the result is shown below.
Next step is to build in the windows on the upper floor
and after that putting a roof with dragonteeths and
finalize it with a removable top-roof with tiles.
I will also build a door and make a base with
rocks and vegetation.
I have made some pictures to show that the tower
is built in sections for optimal use. The lowest part
is also used as a prison-cellar. Next report will be
showing the tower finished in colours.
fantasy-skirmish but also to medieval- and pirate-
games. I am using blue polystyrene with high
density and it is a very good building-material.
I am using a sharp knife, cardboard and pva-glue
and the result is shown below.
Next step is to build in the windows on the upper floor
and after that putting a roof with dragonteeths and
finalize it with a removable top-roof with tiles.
I will also build a door and make a base with
rocks and vegetation.
I have made some pictures to show that the tower
is built in sections for optimal use. The lowest part
is also used as a prison-cellar. Next report will be
showing the tower finished in colours.
Cadians prepare for battle
On the third of january I am invited by my friend Michael
to participate in a Warhammer 40k - Mega battle.
The plot is to prevent orcs from dig in on the icy planet
and also to prevent them to start their war-machinery.
The points are set to 3000 points to each player and here is
my lineup. I don´t play WH40k that often and I must say that
my knowledge in the rules and setup is a bit rusty.
I played the last game in early 2014 and to help out I
asked my friend Christian for advice.
Christian is a "40k-hardliner" and a master in this game.
He used the digital-tool armybuilder and made a troop-
choice of 1166 points using what I have.
It would also be nice to use my new armoured car but
I am not sure if that vehicle is allowed in 40k!?
I publish these pictures to show what my plan is and
all tips are welcome.
to participate in a Warhammer 40k - Mega battle.
The plot is to prevent orcs from dig in on the icy planet
and also to prevent them to start their war-machinery.
The points are set to 3000 points to each player and here is
my lineup. I don´t play WH40k that often and I must say that
my knowledge in the rules and setup is a bit rusty.
I played the last game in early 2014 and to help out I
asked my friend Christian for advice.
Christian is a "40k-hardliner" and a master in this game.
He used the digital-tool armybuilder and made a troop-
choice of 1166 points using what I have.
It would also be nice to use my new armoured car but
I am not sure if that vehicle is allowed in 40k!?
I publish these pictures to show what my plan is and
all tips are welcome.
![]() |
My troops |
![]() |
My support |
Hugg och slag-70 followers
I am now proud to announce that my blog, Hugg och slag (cut and blow),
now has 70 followers. When I started writing and reporting in july 2013
I didn´t realize that I would get that many contacts with fellow hobby-enthusiast.
The contacts are all over the world and it gives me a lot of joy and also
given me a lot of new creative ideas and tips.
I want to thank you all for giving med feedback on all my projects.
I also want to thank you for the warm and friendly atmosphere on the
What are my goals with this blog you ask me and that is to inspire others
and I think that I have reached my goal when I have recieved all the
positive comments.
To round up I wish you all fellow-bloggers a Merry, Merry Christmas and
also that you receive a lot of nice "cristmas-gifts" like polystyrene, PVA-glue,
cardboard and figures. :)
Best regards from Peter, editor of Hugg och slag
Jag kan nu stolt meddela att min blogg , Hugg och slag, nu har 70
följare. När jag började skriva och rapportera mina projekt i juli 2013
trodde jag aldrig att jag skulle få så många nya hobby-kontakter med
likasinnade. Kontakterna är spridda över hela världen och det har gett
mig mycket glädje att utbyta erfarenheter och tips.
Jag vill skicka ut ett stort tack till er alla som tar er tid att skriva kommentarer
om mina projects. Jag vill även tacka för för den varma och vänliga atmo-
sfären som råder inom blogg-världen.
Kanske frågar ni er vad mitt mål med min blogg är och det är att inspirera
andra. Med tanke på alla positiva kommentarer jag fått så tror jag att jag upp-
nått detta mål med råge.
För att avsluta detta inlägg vill jag passa på att önska alla er bloggare därute
en riktigt, riktigt God Jul och att ni också får många trevliga Julklappar som
polystyrene-skivor, trälim, kartong och figurer att spela med. :)
Varma Julhälsningar från Peter, "pappa" till bloggen Hugg och slag
now has 70 followers. When I started writing and reporting in july 2013
I didn´t realize that I would get that many contacts with fellow hobby-enthusiast.
The contacts are all over the world and it gives me a lot of joy and also
given me a lot of new creative ideas and tips.
I want to thank you all for giving med feedback on all my projects.
I also want to thank you for the warm and friendly atmosphere on the
What are my goals with this blog you ask me and that is to inspire others
and I think that I have reached my goal when I have recieved all the
positive comments.
To round up I wish you all fellow-bloggers a Merry, Merry Christmas and
also that you receive a lot of nice "cristmas-gifts" like polystyrene, PVA-glue,
cardboard and figures. :)
Best regards from Peter, editor of Hugg och slag
Jag kan nu stolt meddela att min blogg , Hugg och slag, nu har 70
följare. När jag började skriva och rapportera mina projekt i juli 2013
trodde jag aldrig att jag skulle få så många nya hobby-kontakter med
likasinnade. Kontakterna är spridda över hela världen och det har gett
mig mycket glädje att utbyta erfarenheter och tips.
Jag vill skicka ut ett stort tack till er alla som tar er tid att skriva kommentarer
om mina projects. Jag vill även tacka för för den varma och vänliga atmo-
sfären som råder inom blogg-världen.
Kanske frågar ni er vad mitt mål med min blogg är och det är att inspirera
andra. Med tanke på alla positiva kommentarer jag fått så tror jag att jag upp-
nått detta mål med råge.
För att avsluta detta inlägg vill jag passa på att önska alla er bloggare därute
en riktigt, riktigt God Jul och att ni också får många trevliga Julklappar som
polystyrene-skivor, trälim, kartong och figurer att spela med. :)
Varma Julhälsningar från Peter, "pappa" till bloggen Hugg och slag
Great finds and towerbuilding
This week I visited my father and helped him out with
some domestic problems because my mother has broken her leg.
On my visit I passed by a second hand shop and made some
great finds. I bougth a greek house-souvenir and also
two fake plants. The house is made of plastic and I will
make a hole in the back and build some interior details.
I will also cutout the doors to be able to place figures
in the doorway when playing skirmish.
The plants will be stripped to pieces and I will use these
parts for bushes when I will start building wood-bases
containing 3-4 trees and some under-vegetation.
The house only cost me 1.5 Euro and the trees 1 Euro each and
this is a bargain in my opinion.
My next project is a a watchtower/prisontower and will be built
in three pieces that will be fitted on top of each other.
In the lowest section I will make a prison-cellar and
on the other sections I will place flooring to be able to place
figures inside. The tower is made of small cutout bricks made
of polystyrene. The plan is to use this tower in pirate-skirmish
but also in fantasy-skirmish such as WHFB.
Under veckan som gick besökte jag min far som behövde hjälp
med en del hushållsuppgifter eftersom min mor brutit benet.
Under mitt besök så hann jag även med att besöka Röda korsets
butik och fyndade en grekisk souvenir i form av ett hus och
två plastplantor.Huset är tillverkat i plast och jag kommer
att såga ut bakre väggen för att bygga en interiör.
När interören är byggd är tanken att jag ska kunna placera
figurer inne i bygganden vid skirmish-spel.
Jag kommer även att såga ut dörröppningar för att kunna använda
bygganden fullt ut. Plantorna kommer att bli delade där jag
ska använda bitarna till buskar när jag bygger små basplattor
med 3-4 träd för att skapa skogsmiljöer.
Huset kostade 15kr och plantorna 12 kr styck och det var fynd.
Mitt nästa projekt blir att bygga en skans/fängelsetorn i
tre sektioner. De tre sektionerna kommer att bli placerade
ovanpå varandra och den nedersta kommer att bli en fängelsehåla.
some domestic problems because my mother has broken her leg.
On my visit I passed by a second hand shop and made some
great finds. I bougth a greek house-souvenir and also
two fake plants. The house is made of plastic and I will
make a hole in the back and build some interior details.
I will also cutout the doors to be able to place figures
in the doorway when playing skirmish.
The plants will be stripped to pieces and I will use these
parts for bushes when I will start building wood-bases
containing 3-4 trees and some under-vegetation.
The house only cost me 1.5 Euro and the trees 1 Euro each and
this is a bargain in my opinion.
My next project is a a watchtower/prisontower and will be built
in three pieces that will be fitted on top of each other.
In the lowest section I will make a prison-cellar and
on the other sections I will place flooring to be able to place
figures inside. The tower is made of small cutout bricks made
of polystyrene. The plan is to use this tower in pirate-skirmish
but also in fantasy-skirmish such as WHFB.
Under veckan som gick besökte jag min far som behövde hjälp
med en del hushållsuppgifter eftersom min mor brutit benet.
Under mitt besök så hann jag även med att besöka Röda korsets
butik och fyndade en grekisk souvenir i form av ett hus och
två plastplantor.Huset är tillverkat i plast och jag kommer
att såga ut bakre väggen för att bygga en interiör.
När interören är byggd är tanken att jag ska kunna placera
figurer inne i bygganden vid skirmish-spel.
Jag kommer även att såga ut dörröppningar för att kunna använda
bygganden fullt ut. Plantorna kommer att bli delade där jag
ska använda bitarna till buskar när jag bygger små basplattor
med 3-4 träd för att skapa skogsmiljöer.
Huset kostade 15kr och plantorna 12 kr styck och det var fynd.
Mitt nästa projekt blir att bygga en skans/fängelsetorn i
tre sektioner. De tre sektionerna kommer att bli placerade
ovanpå varandra och den nedersta kommer att bli en fängelsehåla.
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