
Stronghold in ruins, Upgraded!

Now I finally upgraded my ruin with details and
piles of bricks. The bricks is made out of blisters
that I cut in small pieces.I also built stairs and
nails on all the floors. The floors are by the way
made of solid beech that I bought in strips from
a retailer. I also added fixed doors.

The only things that now remains are some paint
and glue sand onto the open spots outside the walls.
I am planning to use this ruin for both skirmishes
in fantasy- and present/future-scenarios.
If you want to see the original ruin without any 
details check out the link below:

Nu är jag äntligen klar med min ruin som innehåller
många detaljer och även högar av "tegelsten".
Tegelstenen har jag tillverkat av det som blir över
från plastbyggsatser och är ganska nöjd med resultatet.
Jag har också byggt trappor och limmat spikhuvuden på
alla golvplankor. Golvplankorna är tillverkade av massiv
bok som jag köpte i butiken i form av platta stavar.
Har även byggt dörrar (fixerade). Det som nu återstår är
att måla och limma sand på de öppna ytorna på utsidan
om väggarna.Jag planerar att använda denna ruin i spel
som utspelar sig både i fantasy-miljö såväl som nutid/framtid.
Om du vill se hur ruinen såg ut innan jag började arbeta
vidare med den kan du klicka på länken nedan:

16 kommentarer:

  1. That is looking absolutely tremendous!

  2. Yes indeed Michael! ;) Thankyou very much! I keep you updated when I have painted the "mansion"

  3. I like it! Excellent work!

    1. Many thanks Rodger! :) It was great fun building it.

  4. Looks really really good.

    But dont be afraid about using sand or gravel with woodglue to get a more uneven finish.

    /Cheers Jonas

    1. Thankyou very much for these kind words Jonas! It is not common that I get compliments from the master everyday. :)
      I have experimented a little with sand and the result is quite o.k.
      I will keep you updated according to the sand-glue-project.
      Skål tillbaka! :) / Peter

    2. En helt annan sak http://www.northstarfigures.com/prod.php?prod=6306 Till ditt piratprojekt ?
      En slags förboknings sak där man får lite rabatt jämfört med priset sen.

    3. Hmm verkar inte dumt alls.Ska kolla upp detta.
      Tackar och bugar för detta tips.
      Thanx for the tip about interessting rules for pirate-skirmishes.

  5. Excellent work, nice details!

    1. Merci mon ami. Le modèle a pris beaucoup de patience.I suis satisfait du résultat. Je rendrai compte quand il est peint

  6. Wow this looks awesome! I wish I had the patience to do stuff like that.

    1. Danke vielmals! Hmm. I think you have all the patience if you look at your painted figures that you made a splendid work on.Probier noch mal mein Freund! :)

  7. All the detailing looks very good and improves the overall look of the model.

    1. The details make the whole impression. Today I have put a coating on the outers side of the walls and also made the ground-surface. The work is now in a very exciting phase and all you nice guys out there trigger me to go on even further.Thankyou very much Joe for your comment!

  8. Excellent modeling! One could have one heck of a fire-fight in and around this derelict building! Battle on!!

  9. Thankyou very much Jay! Alamo, Fredricksburg and other urban fighting-"spots" in history.You name it. Lock and load as you say overseas. :)
