
1,2,3 and a new mini is born

On the third of september my fourth "mini" was

born. She was real quick (the quickest so far).

In 5 years me and my lovely wife has managed

to produce 4 children and you must think that

we are crazy but this was the goal all the time.

The main reason to this very intense schedule

is to let the children grow up together and never

to be alone and someone said that the most precious

thing to give your child is a brother or sister.

The birth was the easiest so far and the mother

only endured 40 minutes of labour!

As a father I feel most, most proud!

The pictures show the minis in order with oldest 

placed lowest and the youngest on the top of this


10 kommentarer:

  1. Splendid pictures...and baby, congrats!

    1. Thankyou very much Phil.It will also be very interessting to see if one of these children will share my hobby.

  2. Svar
    1. Thankyou very much Michal. Children and to become a father is the biggest thing ever in my life and I feel so happy.

  3. Congratulations, lovely baby.
    Hope everyone is doing well.

    (you do know where they're coming from don't you?)

    1. Thankyou very much Joe. I missed that class in school... ;) It has been planned all the way to give birth to so many in so short period of time and both me and my lovely wife feel so happy.

  4. Congratulations!

    My wife's cousin and his wife had five in 10 years, which seems alternately wonderful and crazy... sometimes both at the same time!

    1. Thankyou very much "Lasgunpacker". Children are fantastic and I still can´t understand that I have helped giving birth to these beautiful and single minded individuals.

  5. Grattis!
    Good job with training, there!
    HA det gott

    1. Tackar och bugar Joakim och du hade rätt i att med en stor familj så "tenderar" man att skratta mer. :)
      Min son tar priset just nu och är en riktigt glädjespridare.Får se om min yngsta dotter är en skojare framöver!? Thankyou very much Joakim
