
Sandbags for the gaming-front

When I used hobby-clay to make a footprint-mould on
youngest child I got some leftovers. :)
Very nice and something I have planned to test for a
long time. First up is some lines of sandbags and the
result is very nice. Only thing that I discovered in this
test was that I need to attach the layers more properly.
After air-drying for about 10 hours they fell apart.
I will test to attach them with PVA-glue for starter and
if this will not work Super glue is next.
I will also cover all the bags with a thin layer of pva
mixed with some water (80pr glue and 20pr water).
The water is only to make the glue float and get into all
the cracks before starting to dry.
Finally I will give som love to the base with sand,
pva and small greens to make i all come alive.
I have not decided if I will add som gause to make camo-
nets!? I will use these obstacles to my 28mm figures.

8 kommentarer:

  1. Svar
    1. Thankyou very much Michael.Indeed but they are still fragile but I will use some meausures to make them more "playable".

  2. Well done, realistic and useful sandbags!

    1. Thankyou very much Phil. You can´t have to many of these.I already have half-circle-shaped already (4 pcs).

  3. Svar
    1. Thankyou very much Michal. I like the look already but with some paint they will be irresistible. ;)

  4. They're as good as any I've seen, commercially or scratch-built and with a little of your terraining magic they'll look great.
    Nice bit of construction Ptr.

    1. Thankyou very much Joe.Not so hard to work with the clay but time will tell if I have made them "playable". I have no doubt that the paint will make a nice touch but I will need to make a more durable cover inbetween and on the surface.
